Cauliflower rice bowl

Wow, it’s been a while. So sorry! I’ll be better, I promise.

Recently, I’ve been caught up with transitioning back to school, doing homework and working on the school paper, but I did have time to make a new logo (let me know if you like it!) and I have been fairly active and eating clean since I’ve gotten back to school, which means more ideas for posts.

Right now, I’m living in an apartment off-campus that’s about a 25 minute walk, so I’ve been moving quite a bit. Also, I am completely off my school’s meal plan, so I have been experimenting with a ton of different meals (mostly involving veggies). Last night, I made the most amazing cauliflower dish that every definitely needs to try! It’s a great way to sneak in veggies by substituting ground up cauliflower for rice. Check it out:

Cauliflower rice bowl

Serves 2



  • 8 ounces of extra-firm tofu, pressed
  • 1/2 head of cauliflower
  • 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1/2 medium onion, finely diced
  • Juice of 1/2 of a lime
  • 2 cups baby spinach, chopped
  • 1 avocado, cubed
  • Sriracha to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Cut the tofu in 1-inch cubes and spread on the baking sheet. Bake for 8 minutes, flip and bake for 8 more, so the tofu is a crispy brown.
  3. While the tofu is baking, start the cauliflower rice by placing florets into a food processor and pulsing until it reaches a rice-like consistency.
  4. Heat oil on a skillet with olive oil, onion and garlic on med-high heat and cook for 4-5 minutes.  Add the cauliflower rice and squeeze in the lime juice, stirring to prevent burning, for 10-12 minutes or until it is lightly brown. Add spinach and cook till it is slightly wilted.
  5. Divide between two bowls. Top with tofu and avocado. Drizzle with Sriracha to taste.
  6. Enjoy!

Body Pumped!

I hate lifting. I know muscles help with metabolism, but I just don’t enjoying pumping iron or using weight machines. Also, if I’m not sweating I don’t feel like I’m doing an intense workout, which is why I’m more of a cardio girl where I can lose myself running or in a spin class.

Recently, I decided to go outside my comfort zone and took a Body Pump class at my local gym. Body Pump is a whole-body, barbell weights workout that uses light weights but a TON of repetition, so I work up a bit of a sweat and feel like I am. Our instructor was full of energy and it’s always fun to watch the middle-aged moms in the class to workout to the dubstep and rap that’s played.


The class was pretty early for a college student, so I took a coffee to go to wake me up a bit on the way to the class.


Have you heard that the caffeine from coffee can help with workout performance? I’m not sure how much I believe this, but I felt pretty powerful during the workout — despite a few yawns!

After class I had a chocolate cherry green smoothie for recovery. It’s been one of my favorites this summer. Although the kale I added to it makes it look a bit icky, it’s super duper tasty!


I took the class yesterday and I am SO SORE, which is a painful but amazing feeling because I know I’m doing something to change my body. I’m going to try and take a few more classes before I go back to school so I can build up my strength. Although my school gym doesn’t have Body Pump, I’m going to try to find a similar class to take so I can keep this strength up throughout the year!

Food Waste – My Thoughts

Every so often I will overbuy fruits and veggies and will not get the chance or have the desire to eat them. They end up in the trash. Even more often, my family will make huge dinners or eat out and end up sitting in our fridge for a week before the food ends up in the garbage.

We all waste food. It’s incredibly hard not to. Most of the time I never finish my meals and eating the same thing isn’t too appealing the next day.

Food waste is a huge problem in this country. About 40 percent of it ends up in landfills while so many people go hungry. What’s most shocking about this is that most of this food is perfectly edible and could easily go to people in need. A recent episode of Last Week with John Oliver lays out the facts and the politics — using a bit of humor — and explains why we are wasting so much food. Although its a bit long, it’s definitely worth the watch.

This video really opened my eyes to how serious this issue is. The most interesting thing I was was about expiration dates — we don’t actually need them. They are just a recommendation. Meaning the food probably lasts longer and companies are trying to get us to buy more food faster. WHAT?!

Farmers also are unable to see certain produce because they don’t look perfect but are perfectly fine to eat otherwise. Grocery stores throw away unused foods rather than donating because they are afraid they will get sued — not true at all. It also is expensive to donate, which is why Oliver suggests there should be tax breaks, something that has been proposed by legislation but twisted into an entirely different bill.

Other than not going to those who actually need it, food waste is costly for everyone. There is some much time and resources used to farm that are completed wasted, especially concerning when there is a drought in California right now HELLO. Methane gas is also produced while the food sits in landfills and individuals are literally throwing away bags of groceries, wasting their own money.

From watching this video I am much more conscious of my own waste, which is why I have come up with a few steps to immediately reduce my food footprint:

1. Meal plan. To easily cut back on waste is to plan your meals in advance and make sure you only buy enough for recipes and what you will actually eat. This will also cut back on trips to the store, saving time and money.

2. Eat those leftovers. If you are making big meals, plan for a leftover potluck one night a week to finish off your fridge and experience different cuisines in one sitting. Also plan to eat those doggie bags from restaurants for lunch the next day, so you don’t forget about them.

3. Ignore expiration dates. Although it may sound gross, as Oliver explains these dates should not be heavily focused on. So if you a few days or even a week after the date go ahead and eat it, just give a smell and taste test first.

4. Buy “imperfect” produce. Even if that apple has a bruise on it or it’s the last bunch of kale, go ahead and buy it — there’s nothing wrong with it. Most likely, someone else won’t so you’ll be saving it from the trash bin.

5. Compost. To make sure leftover fruits and veggies don’t end up in landfills where they will produce harmful methane gas, compost them! If you don’t have a compost pile, simply chuck it outside where they will decompose naturally and be eaten by cute woodland creatures.

What are your thoughts on food waste? What steps will you be taking to decrease your food footprint?

Oodles of Zoodles

This summer, especially during those hotter nights, I have been digging into a big bowl of zoodles for dinner. A bowl of what now? Zoodles — or zucchini noodles — are a low-carb, higher nutritional alternative to pasta and is super easy to make and requires no stove-top cooking.

All you do is bust out your spiralizer and it transforms your zucchini into strands of “noodles.” They can be different thickness and length depending on your preference. If you don’t have a spiralizer a peeler can work just as well, it just might take a bit more time.

My favorite part about zoodles are the different combinations of sauces and vegetables I have been adding that makes it taste better — and lighter — than pasta. Last night I made one of my favorite bowls of zoodles ever involving pesto and some seafood. Check it out!

Pesto Zoodles with Grilled Shrimp

Serves 1



  • 1 zucchini (spiralized)
  • 1 cup of corn
  • 1/2 of a medium avocado
  • 1/2 cup of baby bella mushrooms
  • 7-8 pieces of grilled shrimp
  • 2 tablespoons of pesto


  1. Spiralize the zucchini into thick noodles.
  2. Chop up the corn, avocado and mushrooms and add to the bowl.
  3. Grill shrimp for about 5-6 minutes until fully cooked and peel when cooled.
  4. Drizzle on your favorite pesto.
  5. Enjoy!

Early Birthday Celebration

Helloooooo all!

As you may or may not know, this Friday I am turning the big 2-0, which is so crazy. 20 sounds wayyyy older than 19, so I’m feeling more and more like an (actual) adult. Since I will be spending part of my birthday finalizing packing (we’re leaving for North Carolina the next day for vaycay) and seeing a Taylor Swift concert later that night (eeeeeeee!), my friends and I decided to do a mini celebration yesterday.

We headed out 30 minutes to Westport for some shopping, walking and eating. I needed some tea, so we went to my favorite loose-leaf tea store DavidsTea. I stocked up on some matcha and an almond, cinnamon spice tea called Alpine Punch. I also picked up and iced Birthday Cake soy latte as my first treat of the evening.


We wandered our way to a few more shops before getting dinner at the Granola Bar. It’s a healthy, local and organic restaurant with a casual feel. They have a ton of breakfast, smoothies and, of course, granola bars that I am dying to try out as well as salads and sammies that all looked divine. It’s perfectly divided for take out or dining, so if I’m ever dropping by the area I’ll definitely grab some salads for lunch.


We started out with a kale artichoke dip that wasn’t as dippy as I expected and I found myself using a fork to scoop it onto my pita chips. But, it was still yummy nonetheless.


For dinner I had a vegetarian bolognese that was SO SO good. It was loaded with roasted veggies on top of spaghetti squash instead of pasta with red sauce. It had the veggie overload that I love and was filling but didn’t make me feel stuffed the way I do when I normally eat pasta dishes.


Afterwards we were on a mission to take a quick stroll on the nearby Compo Beach, which was a lot harder than expected. Almost all of the parking is for private owners or you needed a pass that was $30. We even encountered a woman that rudely explained to us we would receive a $75 fine if we parked. Come on — we literally just wanted to walk around for 10 minutes!!

Finally, we found two hour parking and got to walk around and dip our toes in the water. It had been hot and humid all day and we were in the mood to be by the cool shore, so it was absolutely perfect. The view was amazing and the houses by the water were gorgeous. If I could afford it, I would live there in a heartbeat.


We also did a little, silly photo shoot while walking.

unnamed-4(Excuse my strange, crooked duck feet)



It was a lovely evening filled with lovely friends and I’m so grateful to have them in my life and to share these experiences with them.


Where do you like to go for birthday celebrations?

Berry Smoothie Bowl

Good morning!!

Let’s be honest. I’m a morning person. I like to be up before 9 (something most teenagers dread) to get my day going or I feel like I wasted most of my day.

More importantly, I’m a breakfast person. I don’t think I could function without a bite to each right after I wake up and I look forward to loading up on fruits and carbs to start my day right. Usually, I have been slurping down a smoothie before I leave for my internship, but when I have more time in the morning I like to make a thicker, soupy smoothie bowl.

Acai and berry bowls have been super trendy lately, so I decided to hop on the bandwagon. There’s something more enjoyable about taking the time to eat and enjoy breakfast rather than quickly sipping through it.

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For this smoothie bowl, I blended together my usual ingredients for a berry smoothie — I even snuck some in kale and protein power – but used less liquid so it would be thicker and creamier. I choose to top it off with some fresh fruit, but other days I will throw some granola or chia seeds for an extra crunch. The toppings are the best part, so you can make each bowl different by varying them.

I’ve been munching and adding cherries to my smoothies all summer, so I was super excited when my mom got me a cherry pitter. It saves me so much time and I don’t end up looking like I was in a crime scene from the red juice all over my hands (pardon my nails they are in dire need of a mani).


This thing is amazing. It pops the pit right out. The first time I used it, the pit when flying to the other side of the counter. If necessary, I could definitely use this as a weapon by hitting my attacker with the pits.

Berry Smoothie Bowl



  • A handful of kale or spinach
  • 1 cup of frozen mixed berries
  • 1/2 a banana
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
  • 1/4 cup almond milk
  • 1/4 cup water


  • 1/2 sliced banana (I used the remaining half)
  • Handfuls of fresh fruit
  • Handful of granola
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds


  1. Blend together ingredients (I used the NutriBullet). If it’s too thick or won’t blend add a bit more liquid to the mixture.
  2. Top with a combination of fruit, granola, and seeds.
  3. Enjoy!

Fairfield Half Marathon Recap

This weekend I successfully completed the Faxon Law Group Fairfield Half Marathon. Wooo!! After a few injuries — my knees were killing me — and a little sickness that interrupted my training, I’m so glad I finished it.

The night before I stayed at my old babysitter, now best friend’s apartment in downtown Fairfield who was also running the race. It was so sweet of her to take me in, plus it allowed me an extra hour of sleep. She cooked us an amazing, carb-loaded dinner of garlic pasta with arugula that I am definitely going to make again. We took it easy watching a movie and were in bed before 11 and up by 6.

The race started at 8:15, so we we got there around 7 and made sure we took the time to hit the porta-potties a few times before running.


The weather was absolutely perfect for a race. It was cool and cloudy, which was abnormal for the Fairfield Half (normally it’s the hottest race in the area) and I was ecstatic. Although it was a bit chilly before the race, I decided to wear shorts, a tank and the knee brace. I was going to wear a light rain jacket but ditched it last minute, which was smart as I started getting hot and sweaty as soon as I started running.

This was my second half, but my first time running the Fairfield Half and I was warned there would be a few hills — and there were. The toughest ones were in the beginning and end, but otherwise it was flat and there were some great views of the beach and the water.

I tried getting a few pics while bopping around.


I had no goal time or pace for the race, I just wanted to finish (success!), so I took my time and paced with a few runners around me. Since my legs were sore from a bit of overtraining (whoops) I felt like I was dying until mile 5, when an adrenaline rush came over me until mile 9 when I felt like death again, but the cheering on the sidelines (my favorite part of races) kept me going and I even picked up the pace for my last two miles.

At mile 12 there was a station were they called out the runners names into a microphone and some positive encouragement. For me the shouted “Here comes Courtney, she has some sort of knee brace on but she’s still going.” I absolutely loved it and started “wooing” with the cheerers.

A family friend even got an action shot of me crossing the finish line — not looking my best haha.


As soon as I finished I scarfed down three slices of watermelon and a banana, then searched for my family, my sister’s friend who was also running, and waited for my friend to finish.

Half marathon selfie!


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I finished in 2:15:57, which is my fastest time so far but I’m still hoping to get under two hours for my next one. There’s something so powerful and satisfying when finishing a half that I’m already googling races in North Carolina for the fall.

The racers also got super bright workout shirts and one of my favorite medals.


Afterwards I celebrated by eating lunch at BarTaco in Westport with a friend from Fairfield and hobbling around the downtown area shopping and treating myself to a banana split latte from David’s Tea. I’m going to take the next few days off from running, but will continue to work out and take more classes at my gym.

Happy Monday!

Half Marathon check in: 3 weeks away!

The Fairfield Half Marathon is approaching quickly!! Luckily for me although I don’t have the time to do these longer runs early in the morning or later in the day, it hasn’t been disguisedly hot and it’s been somewhat cloudy, making the runs very nice.

Yesterday, I started on the treadmill for the 9 mile run, but the gym kicked me out at 3 (so annoying, who closes that early?!) and I did some loops around the campus/closed insane asylum called Fairfield Hills where my gym is located. There’s now some town halls and people play soccer in the fields, but it’s cool — and creepy — to think of all the mistreatment and activities that went on around there.

Also the view is incredible.


You can see one of the old buildings in the background!

I recently learned that one of my sister’s friends also signed up to do the race, which is so excited because now I’ll have a running buddy. Although she’s only doing three weeks of training (I’m a bit worried for her), she’s run the race before so it’ll be nice to have someone to keep a good pace with and encourage each other.

Without further ado, here’s this weeks schedule:

Monday: Off

Tuesday: Cross train (elliptical) 

Wednesday: 6 miles

Thursday: 7 miles

Friday: Off (nice walk possibly)

Saturday: 6 miles

Sunday: 12 miles (oh. my. goodness)

Where’s your favorite place to run?

5 ways to be less sedentary at work

My internship started this week and so far it’s been really enjoyable, even though I need to get up  somewhat early. It’s been a bit time consuming juggling it with waitressing and running, but I like being busy and I’m learning a lot. I’m mostly working with social media and writing a bit, so I’m hoping to get a byline in the magazine.

Because most of my work involves the computer, I find myself sitting for a few hours, which I HATE. I need to be moving around and active, so being sedentary for a while has me squirming. Since I have tasks that need to be completed, I’ve come up with a few ways to get moving for a short while.

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1. Set a timer. By setting a timer on you phone or computer every hour or so, it will remind you that it’s time to walk around for a bit when you’re super concentrated on a project. It’s important to keep those legs moving every two hours for blood flow and a short walk around the office will freshen your brain and creativity.

2. Drink a TON of water. More liquid equals more trips to the bathroom, so you’ll definitely get moving every time you walk to take a leak. Also you should be getting at least 8 cups a day, so fill up your Camelback, tea mug, or sip on your favorite (healthy) energy drink.

3. Get a fitness tracker. Although they can be pricy starting at about $100, these trackers count steps and give you a goal to meet. Wearing one on your wrist can remind you to get moving, plus some of them even tell you when you’ve been sitting for too long — talk about a motivator.

4. Stand while you work. If possible, try and stand while you type on the computer or write down notes. It burns more calories than sitting and you can shift side to side on your feet while you work to get the blood flowing. If it’s in your budget, get a standing desk that will make it easier.

5. Walk to your coworkers. It may seem quickest to write an email or call a coworker when you have a question or need something done, but you could easily get more movement in by walking to their desk to talk to them. This is also a great way to build personal, face-to-face relationships.

Half marathon check in: 4 weeks away!

There’s less than a month away from the big race. Holy moly! This week went pretty well in terms of following the training schedule. I was able to do my long run on the treadmill — 8 miles — without feeling terribly exhausting and I did hike 11 miles the previous day. I know the treadmill is not as difficult as running outside, but I’m proud of myself and really feel like I can do this race.

Now that I’m back into training, I’ve noticed my leg muscles getting super stiff and it’s been difficult to run or walk. Instead of following the plan completely, I did some cross training instead to give my legs a break from the high impact of running. I also got this bad boy:


A foam roller! I found it at Marshall’s on sale for only $10 and I am super pumped! I spend about 10 minutes or so rolling my legs on it after my workouts or at the end of the day. Foam rollers increase the blood flow to the muscles, promoting muscle repairing and I’ve definitely noticed a difference in my legs after using it.

I’m fully confident this weeks runs won’t be too difficult. Here’s this weeks schedule:

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: Cross train (elliptical 30 minutes)

Wednesday: 4 miles

Thursday: 7 miles

Friday: Cross train (spinning)

Saturday: 3 miles

Sunday: 9 miles

What do you do to recover faster?