Half marathon check in: 4 weeks away!

There’s less than a month away from the big race. Holy moly! This week went pretty well in terms of following the training schedule. I was able to do my long run on the treadmill — 8 miles — without feeling terribly exhausting and I did hike 11 miles the previous day. I know the treadmill is not as difficult as running outside, but I’m proud of myself and really feel like I can do this race.

Now that I’m back into training, I’ve noticed my leg muscles getting super stiff and it’s been difficult to run or walk. Instead of following the plan completely, I did some cross training instead to give my legs a break from the high impact of running. I also got this bad boy:


A foam roller! I found it at Marshall’s on sale for only $10 and I am super pumped! I spend about 10 minutes or so rolling my legs on it after my workouts or at the end of the day. Foam rollers increase the blood flow to the muscles, promoting muscle repairing and I’ve definitely noticed a difference in my legs after using it.

I’m fully confident this weeks runs won’t be too difficult. Here’s this weeks schedule:

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: Cross train (elliptical 30 minutes)

Wednesday: 4 miles

Thursday: 7 miles

Friday: Cross train (spinning)

Saturday: 3 miles

Sunday: 9 miles

What do you do to recover faster?

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