Half Marathon check in: 3 weeks away!

The Fairfield Half Marathon is approaching quickly!! Luckily for me although I don’t have the time to do these longer runs early in the morning or later in the day, it hasn’t been disguisedly hot and it’s been somewhat cloudy, making the runs very nice.

Yesterday, I started on the treadmill for the 9 mile run, but the gym kicked me out at 3 (so annoying, who closes that early?!) and I did some loops around the campus/closed insane asylum called Fairfield Hills where my gym is located. There’s now some town halls and people play soccer in the fields, but it’s cool — and creepy — to think of all the mistreatment and activities that went on around there.

Also the view is incredible.


You can see one of the old buildings in the background!

I recently learned that one of my sister’s friends also signed up to do the race, which is so excited because now I’ll have a running buddy. Although she’s only doing three weeks of training (I’m a bit worried for her), she’s run the race before so it’ll be nice to have someone to keep a good pace with and encourage each other.

Without further ado, here’s this weeks schedule:

Monday: Off

Tuesday: Cross train (elliptical) 

Wednesday: 6 miles

Thursday: 7 miles

Friday: Off (nice walk possibly)

Saturday: 6 miles

Sunday: 12 miles (oh. my. goodness)

Where’s your favorite place to run?

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