Body Pumped!

I hate lifting. I know muscles help with metabolism, but I just don’t enjoying pumping iron or using weight machines. Also, if I’m not sweating I don’t feel like I’m doing an intense workout, which is why I’m more of a cardio girl where I can lose myself running or in a spin class.

Recently, I decided to go outside my comfort zone and took a Body Pump class at my local gym. Body Pump is a whole-body, barbell weights workout that uses light weights but a TON of repetition, so I work up a bit of a sweat and feel like I am. Our instructor was full of energy and it’s always fun to watch the middle-aged moms in the class to workout to the dubstep and rap that’s played.


The class was pretty early for a college student, so I took a coffee to go to wake me up a bit on the way to the class.


Have you heard that the caffeine from coffee can help with workout performance? I’m not sure how much I believe this, but I felt pretty powerful during the workout — despite a few yawns!

After class I had a chocolate cherry green smoothie for recovery. It’s been one of my favorites this summer. Although the kale I added to it makes it look a bit icky, it’s super duper tasty!


I took the class yesterday and I am SO SORE, which is a painful but amazing feeling because I know I’m doing something to change my body. I’m going to try and take a few more classes before I go back to school so I can build up my strength. Although my school gym doesn’t have Body Pump, I’m going to try to find a similar class to take so I can keep this strength up throughout the year!